欧阳江河(Ouyang Jiang He)资深作家



欧阳江河,1956 年生于四川泸洲。诗人,诗学批评家,《今天》文学社社长。现为北京师范大学终身特聘教授。在大陆和港台地区出版了《谁去谁留》、《如此博学的饥饿》、《大是大非》、《长诗集》等十三部中文诗集,以及文论集《站在虚构这边》。其诗作及文论被译成英语、法语、德语、西班牙语、俄语、意大利语等十多种语言。在德国和奥地利出版德语诗集《玻璃工厂》、《快餐馆》、《凤凰》,在纽约出版英语诗集《重影》、《凤凰》,在巴黎出版法语诗集《傍晚穿过广场》。自 1993 年起,应邀赴全球五十多所大学及文学中心讲学、朗诵。 获第九届(2010)华语文学传媒大奖年度诗歌奖,十月文学诗歌奖(2015),第十四届(2016)华语文学传媒大奖年度杰出作家奖,英国剑桥大学诗歌银叶奖(2016)。 欧阳江河的写作实践深具当代特征,在同时代人中产生了广泛的、持续的影响,被视为 1980 年代以来中国最重要的代表性诗人。

Ouyang Jiang He, was born in Luzhou, Sichuan Province in 1956 while his ancestral hometown was in Hebei, China. As a nationally known poet, and a critic on poetry, music and culture, his works have been published since 1979, including over 200 poems, many articles on poetry, and lots of reviews on contemporary fine art, music, film, and drama, which amount over 350,000 words. His books published in China include the poem collection Through the Glass of Words (1997, Reform Press), the collection of poems and criticism Who Leave, Who Stay (1997, Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House), the collection of reviews and essays Standing on the Side of Fiction (2000, SDX Joint Publishing House), and the poem collection Tears of Things (2008, The Writers Publishing House). He is now living in Beijing, engaged in writing and cultural exchange affairs both domestic and abroad. As a Poet, Jianghe Ouyang’s writing accentuates the originality and sophistication of thoughts and hybridity of language, emphasizes the deep links between personal experience and public realities. As a poetry critic, he has made particular contributions to both the theorization and text analysis of contemporary Chinese poetry. Jianghe Ouyang’s writing practice is highly characterized as contemporary, and has made broad and lasting influence among his peers, whereby he is recognized as one of the most important poets of China since 1980s.
