翟永明(Zhai Yong Ming)资深作家



翟永明,四川成都人,毕业于成都电子科技大学,曾就职于某物理研究所。1981年开始发表诗歌作品,1986 年离职,后专注写作。1998 年在成都开“白夜” 酒吧,亦为文化沙龙,在此间策划举办了一系列跨领域文化活动,经营至今。著有诗集《女人》、《在一切玫瑰之上》、《称之为一切》、《终于使我周转不灵》、《十四首素歌》、《行间距》等九种,诗文集《最委婉的词》,散文、文论集《纸上建筑》、《坚韧的破碎之花》、《正如你所看到的》、《天赋如此》等。作品被译为英语、法语、荷兰语、意大利语、西班牙语、德语等,并在上述语系国家发表出版。2007 年获中坤国际诗歌奖,2012 年获意大利 Ceppo Pistoia 国际文学奖,2012 年获第三十一届美国北加州图书奖翻译类图书奖。2013 年获第十三届华语文学传媒大奖杰出作家奖。

Zhai Yongming, born in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, graduated from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, then worked as a physics institute engineer until 1986. She began publishing poetry in 1981. Traveling extensively throughout Europe, she also lived in the US for nearly two years, during which she toured the nation by car. Consistently ranked as one of the most intriguing and challenging contemporary Chinese poets, she’s received numerous awards for her work, including the Zhongkun International Poetry Prize, the Best Ten Women Poets of China Award, the Italian Ceppo Pistoia International Literary Prize, and the Chinese Media Award. Among her many poetry collections are Woman; Above All Roses; The Collected Poems of Zhai Yongming; Call It All; Fourteen Plain Songs; and Interlinear Spaces. Her poetry has been translated into English, French, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, and German. She has also published six collections of essays and literary criticism. Ms. Zhai lives in Chengdu, where she owns and operates the art and literary bar, "White Nights" .
