伊什特万·凯梅尼(István Kemény)资深作家



伊什特万·凯梅尼,诗人,作家。1961 年出生于匈牙利布达佩斯。1990 年毕业于ELTE 布达佩斯大学,主修匈牙利研究和历史。他曾经在 ELTE 布达佩斯大学、塞格德市的 JATE 大学和帕祖彼得大学教授创意写作课程。此外,他还为电视连续剧做编剧工作。他的第一部诗集于 1984 年出版,现已出版数本匈牙利著作,包括诗歌、小说和散文。他的诗歌用词在国际语言学中占有一席之地,被翻译成德语、法语、保加利亚语、西班牙语、波兰语和罗马尼亚语,并在这些国家出版发行。他还写了两部小说, 其中一部以德文出版。他的诗集最后一卷《尼罗河》由布达佩斯的 Magvető出版社在 今年春天新近出版。伊什特万的诗歌、小说和散文多次荣获匈牙利文学奖。他有三个孩子,目前住在布达佩斯。

Poet and writer. He was born in 1961 Budapest, Hungary. He learned Hungarian Studies and History at ELTE Budapest University, graduated in 1990. He teached creative writing at ELTE Budapest University, at JATE University of Szeged and at Pázmány Péter University. Besides he worked for TV-series as a script-writer. First volume of his poems was published in 1984. He has several Hungarian books (poems, novels, essays), his poems had a part in international antologies and he published volumes of poems also abroad: in German, French, Bulgarian, Spanish, Polish, Rumanian. He wrote also two novels: one of them was published in Wien in German language. Last volume of his poems Nílus (Nile) was published in Budapest at publishing house Magvető in the spring of 2018. István Kemény got several literary prizes for his poems, novels and essays in Hungary. He has 3 children, and lives in Budapest.  
