杰曼·卓根布鲁特(Germain Droogenbroodt)资深作家



杰曼·卓根布鲁特出生于比利时,居住在西班牙已有三十一年之久。著名诗人,翻译家 , 出版人,以及国际诗坛积极的倡导者。已经出版有短篇小说 , 文学评论,以及主要诗集近十三部,在全球二十八个国家发行。卓根布鲁特会六种语言,翻译了近三十部译著,包括德语、意大利语、西班牙语、英语、法语,以及拉美语系诗歌,还将阿拉伯语、汉语、日语、波斯语和韩语诗歌转译成荷兰语出版。

卓根布鲁特是著名的POINT网站创始人与主编,已经发布现代国际诗歌近八十余册。1996 年他和中国诗人北岛和多多共同发起新诗歌运动。作为组织者或是合作者,卓根布鲁特在西班牙举办了多次国际诗歌节。他是米哈伊·埃米内斯库诗歌学院的副院长;日本大学诗歌协会 JUNPA 的发起人兼顾问;西班牙文化基金会 ITHACA 的总裁兼创始人,他还是意大利诗歌出版社 Margutte 的合作伙伴。

他诗歌创作题材广泛,曾经六十多次造访远东地区,对中国哲学推崇备至。他的诗歌蕴涵哲理,以其长诗集《The Road》著称,由诗人北岛翻译成中文,题为《道》,并由此筑建了一座从西方到东方的诗意的大桥。印度画家萨蒂什·古普塔受其启发,为他的五本诗集绘制了插画。

卓根布鲁特的诗歌简洁自然,带着道家的禅意。上海文艺出版社和民生艺术馆已经出版了他的多本中文版诗集,同时在中国香港地区、台湾地区,以及日本发行。每年卓根布鲁特都会应邀参加世界各地的诗歌朗诵和会议。他曾经作为上海市作家协会的嘉宾参加了青海湖诗歌节,以及今年的无锡易经大会。2017 年,卓根布鲁特入围诺贝尔文学奖提名。

Germain Droogenbroodt, was born in Belgium but lives already 31 years in Spain. He is an internationally appreciated poet, translator, publisher and promoter of international poetry. He wrote short stories and literary reviews, but mainly poetry, so far thirteen poetry books, published in 28 countries. He translated – he speaks six languages - more than thirty collections of German, Italian, Spanish, Latin American, English and French poetry and rendered Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Persian and Korean poetry into Dutch. As founder and editor of the Belgian publishing house POINT Editions (Poetry International) he published more than eighty collections of mainly modern, international poetry. In 1996 he set up a new poetic movement, called neo-sensacionismo with the famous Chinese poets Bei Dao and Duo Duo. Germain Droogenbroodt organised and co-organised several international poetry festivals in Spain, is also vice president of the Academy Mihai Eminescu, co-founder and advisor of JUNPA (Japan Universal Poets Association), artistic advisor of the Italian movement Poetry & Discovery, and founding president of the Spanish cultural foundation ITHACA. He also collaborates with the Italian poetry publication Margutte. His poetic oeuvre is many-sided, but having visited the Far East more than 60 times and being a great admirer of Chinese philosophy, his poetry has become very philosophic, making a start with his poetry cycle “The Road” (translated into Chinese by Bei Dao as TAO) a poetic bridge between the East and the West, inspiring important painters, such as the Indian Satish Gupta, who illustrated 5 of his books His poetry, considered Taoist and ZEN, has been published in China by The Shanghai Literature & Art Publishing Group, by the Minsheng Art Museum and also in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan. Germain Droogenbroodt is yearly invited to give recitals and conferences around the globe. He was invited at the Qinghai Lake Poetry Festival, guest of the Shanghai Writers’ Association, guest of honour this year at the Wuxi YiJing conference, nominated for the nobel prize of Literature in 2017. 
