安德烈·维尔泰(André Velter)资深作家



生于 1945 年,法国著名诗人,他出生于法国阿登省的 Signy-l'Abbaye 地区,曾在查尔维尔和巴黎求学。自 1955 年开始在欧洲和中东游历,他曾在阿富汗、尼泊尔、印度等国,以及中国西藏地区等地长期居留。因此,他的诗歌体现出各地文化在语调、节奏等方面丰富多彩的多样性。


他曾实验性的谱写即兴歌曲、复调诗歌,以及摇滚清唱剧。1987 年至 2008 年,担任法国文化广播电台的主持人,其节目《谈诗歌》由诗歌朗诵以及伴有舞蹈、器乐和演出的诗歌形式组成,广受欢迎。他还曾是《世界报》的专栏作家并在伽利马出版。

André Velter (born 1945), French poet, was born in Signy-l'Abbaye in the Ardennes region and was educated in Charleville and Paris. Having begun his first journeys in 1955 through Europe and the Middle East, he has traveled through Afghanistan, Nepal, China and India. As a result, his poetry displays a varied and colorful relation to the places, sounds and rhythms of the cultures he has visited.  His selected bibliography includes Aisha, l'Enfer et les fleurs, Les poètes du chat noir, L'Arbre seul, Du Gange à Zanzibar, Songs of Love and War: Afghan Women's Poetry, Zingaro suite équestre et un piaffer plus dans l'inconnu. Velter has experimented with improvised songs, polyphonic poetry, and has composed a rock oratorio. His work Poésie sur Parole with France Culture (1987-2008) combined with frequent poetry recitals, alone or with dance and instrumentation, show commitment to poetry as an actively performed medium. Velter was also a column writer of Le Monde and the editor in chief of Gallimard.  He was awarded Mallarmé Prize in 1990 and Prix Goncourt in 1996.
